Täglich bieten wir KOSTENLOSE lizenzierte Software an, die ihr sonst bezahlen müsstet!
Covert Pro 3.0.20 war am 25. März 2016! als Giveaway verfügbar!
COVERT Pro ist eine innovative Lösung, die einen umfangreichen Schutz eurer Privatsphäre garantiert. So hat Spyware keine Chance - alle Prozesse in allen Anwendungen (Browser, Email, Office Software, Messengers usw.) werden in einer für Aussenstehenden unsichtbaren Umgebung durchgeführt. Spezielle Features von COVERT Pro (Netzwerk - und Treibermonitor sowie Überwachung der Systemprozesse- und Dienste) geben euch volle Kontrolle über alle versteckten Anwendungen. Darüber hinaus könnt ihr euer Mikrofon blockieren.
Um euch vor Spyware zu schützen, benutzt COVERT Pro die Schleier-Methode. Alle Benutzer-Bewegungen werden dabei versteckt. So entsteht eine sichere Platform, auf der ihr beliebige Anwendungen benutzen könnt, ohne entdeckt zu werden.
Der integrierte Messenger ermöglicht vertrauliche Kommunikation:
Diese Version von COVERT Pro bietet euch folgende Interface-Sprachen: Englisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Tschechisch, Russisch, Ukrainisch und Polnisch.
COVERT Pro erhöht das Sicherheitsniveau eures PC und bietet euch eine absolut sichere Umgebung für eure Arbeit und Korrespondenz. Das Tool ist mit den gängigen Antivirus-Programmen kompatibel.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64) Minimum screen resolution: 800×600; Pentium processor or higher; 128 MB RAM; 90 MB of free disk space
16.2 MB
COVERT Pro USB bietet Schutz für jeden Windows PC, an den ihr den USB-Stick mit dem Programm anschließt. So könnt ihr überall verschlüsselte Nachrichten verschicken und empfangen - einfach den USB-Stick anschließen und die“Secure Messenger”-Funktion aktivieren!
1. Run the installer
2. Press Registration
3. You will see a registration key that is already entered in the registration field. Press Register.
A brief tutorial for the first run of the program (https://covert-pro.com/first-launch-of-covert-pro/):
1. Run the program file Protection.exe, located in the folder COVERT Pro AE
2. For hiding your actions from spyware and monitoring tools, log into secure platform. To do this, in the main window, click on the «Login to the secure platform» (button with COVERT logo).
3. Launch any program inside the secure platform you can in two ways:
a. Press the «Starting programs» button. In the opened Windows Explorer window locate the application and run it.
b. You can assign frequently used applications for quick launch buttons. To do this, click on the «Settings» or any numeric button in the upper left corner of the main interface. The settings window opens in which you need to specify program path under each button.
4. For strengthening your protection, you can use special monitors to search and remove sophisticated spyware: “Driver monitor”, “System processes” and “System services”. Their functions are described in the Help, which can be accessed by pressing the «F1» button.
5. To use the messenger with encryption, click on “Secure messenger”. How it works you can learn from HELP (log in to the secure platform and press F1)
In video tutorial you can see how to use spyware detection and how to begin to use the messenger with encryption: https://covert-pro.com/video/.
Examples of protection against spyware can be found on this page: https://covert-pro.com/examples-of-protection/
Some restrictions for special version:
1. Without technical support
2. Without the ability to upgrade
3. After changing the settings of the testing server Covert messenger will work through the user's server only. Please configure your server for messaging (Read the HELP. Section “My server”).
SW Developers of Covert Pro:
I am a Senior Software Developer who is trained in SECURITY software development (specifically for Bank ATM devices, including Card Readers/Scanners, etc.), so I know what goes on in the development of this kind of software. Wanted to share my background so you know where I am coming from.
It is very dangerous NOT to inform the user when and if the software goes to an external IP address or ANY other connection outside the network domain. You should probably create either a pop-up box that WARNS the user of where it is going and why, OR a flat text box within the menu that informs them of this BEFORE they accept that action. ALWAYS GIVE THE USER A CHOICE. All the software (database design before I got into Banking) I have ever developed always INFORMED the user BEFORE it went elsewhere by GETTING THE USER'S PERMISSION. In the case of our ATMs, of course we had to work with the Banks and their ATM devices to let THEM know what we were doing, so the user of the ATM, the customer, does not need to be informed because we are programming under GOVERNMENT regulations and security protocols. But, of other software and its users, It is better to be transparent as some users do not understand what is going on and will immediately be suspicious, especially if they have a desktop IP address informer or top-notch AV/Firewall protocols in place, as I have that tells them you are now at another IP address or that your PC has connected somewhere externally. You need to keep them informed in whatever your software is doing or where it is connecting to.
I would love to try this software, but I have developed my own and therefore do not need it, but it is the start of a great beginning for you. I hope you consider ALL the possible black hat actions that can be taken against your software and prepare for those as you develop your software to be better than it is now. I am a White Hat hacker who actually goes to the Dark Net quite often to see what the Black hatters are up to, just so I can be informed and stay ahead of their evil. GOOD LUCK to your success!
Can anyone find a review of the program, I can't.
Such a useful and powerful program, if it works, which is at version 3 you would expect to have been tested by someone interested in computer security.
Until I can find such a review I will hold off on installing it.
Probably most dangerous thing you can have a computer, is a false sense of security.
If you do not like the program, then you must use setup.exe to uninstall.
To uninstall the program run the installer and click Uninstall
Kennt jemand das Programm?
Oder kann irgendwelche Informationen dazu liefern?
Im Internet läßt sich nämlich außerhalb der Herstellerseite nichts dazu finden.
Seltsam für su ein "superknaller" Programm.
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Was mich verunsichert ist, dass ich nirgendwo außerhalb der Herstellerseite; weder bei Chip.de, Computerbild, o.ä. noch auf irgendwelchen Foren, weitergehende Beschreibungen oder Erfahrungsberichte finde.
Wenn das so toll ist, sollte man ja doch etwas finden.
Tu ich mir und meinem PC da nun was Gutes?
Oder hole ich mir damit vielleicht selber ein Schnüffelprogramm ins Haus?
Ist die vorgeblich sicher Plattform eventuell selber leicht zu hacken?
Vielleicht kann da mir ja jemand weiterhelfen.
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Frohe Ostern und weiter geht's...
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