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Apex All in One PDF Tools 2.4.8 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Apex All in One PDF Tools 2.4.8

Apex All in One PDF Tools ermöglicht einfaches Trennen von PDF-Dateien in nur einem Klick.
Benutzer Rating: 86 Kommentar hinterlassen

Apex All in One PDF Tools 2.4.8 war am 18. August 2016! als Giveaway verfügbar!

Giveaway of the Day heute
heute kostenlos
Ein professioneller Hintergrundentferner!

Apex All in One PDF Tools bietet euch etliche fortgeschrittene Funktionen zum Bearbeiten von PDF-Dokumenten in nur einem Klick. Ob einzelne Seiten oder ganze Dateien – all das wird nach euren Vorstellungen in Ordnung gebracht! Darüber hinaus könnt ihr PDF-Dateien mit Hilfe eines Passwortes schützen, ihre Größe verändern, Metainformationen bearbeiten, Wasser- und Lesezeichen hinzufügen, Dateien trennen und verschmelzen, einzelne Seiten löschen und extrahieren. Das Tool ist sowohl mit geschützten als auch mit ungeschützten Dateien kompatibel und bietet euch darüber hinaus den zeitsparenden Batch-Modus.


Windows XP/ Vista/ NT/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10; Pentium class or equivalent processor; 512 MB or more RAM; 10 Mb free disk space; .Net Framework (2.0) or higher version.






8.92 MB



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Developed by Microsoft
Create PDF documents from printable files.
Developed by ES-Computing
Generate, edit, convert and protect PDF files.

Kommentare zum Apex All in One PDF Tools 2.4.8

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Top-Kommentare auf Englisch

GAOTD TEAM.... yesterday I gave this comment....."GAOTD....please go back to numbering the comments. It makes it much easier to go back to see the answers given by remembering which ones (numbers) you want to check later on. The way it is now it takes way to long to find the question or statement to see any replies".... I had 29 people give this a plus sign....so I hope you will reply as to whether you would consider "numbering" the comments once again to make it easier for us to locate the replies to specific questions. Thank you in advance......Unruly

unruly  –  8 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+74)


Going back to September 30, 2015, when GotD changed the comments section, along their Blog announcing the changes and asking for feedback -- I think the number 1 complaint was (and still is) that the comments are no longer numbered. While using the "find" function can work as a [distant] second choice, numbering the comments is much more logical for following replies.

I hope your request to renumber the comments once again is accepted ;-)

Suze  –  8 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+36)

Twelve months on from its last outing here and the $30 Apex All in One PDF Tools 2.4.8 returns entirely unchanged. Also unchanged are the software's principal virtues, as extolled on the developer's page:


"Split, Merge, Remove, Extract Pages: Software allows you to split your PDF documents into single and group of pages. You can merge your PDF documents into single file or multiple PDF files. Its best software with extra features, that allows you to extract single and multiple pages from your created documents and even you can delete or remove single page or multiple pages simultaneously from your PDF documents."

Elsewhere, however, software house Plotsoft's $20 PDFill PDF Editor has been updated:


whilst its long established freeware PDF Tools continues on:


offering these principal features on the developer's web page:

"FREE PDF functions to merge, split, reorder, delete, encrypt, decrypt, rotate, crop and reformat PDF pages, to add information, header, footer and watermark, to convert images to PDF, PDF to images or PostScript to PDF, to delete, flatten and list form fields, to scan to pdf, to create transparent image, and more. No watermarks! No pop-up ads! Free for personal or commercial use! Free distribution!"

Disappointing, then, to see Apexsofts' failure to update last year's product -- and even more disappointing to see that it still hasn't reduced its sticker price to match Plotsoft's because dollar for dollar, PDFill PDF Editor continues to be superior. As for Plotsoft's freeware PDF Tools, the GUI may be about as attractive as Atlantic City in the rain but as its principal features are identical to today's giveaway then for most folks's every day purposes, there's no incentive to forego the freeware route.

Though GOTD is a wonderful platform for both commercial developers and prospective customers in that the latter, having tried a product from the former, may then wish to buy it as a keeper, Apexsofts seems not to have realised that what it's offering continues to cost too much and provide too little in today's marketplace. Thanks GOTD, but no thanks.

MikeR  –  8 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+58)

They say it is a complete solution... Appears it can't OCR or even edit a PDF?

I've seen heaps of these "PDF" tools that really dont do anything but shuffle minor things around. Seems pointless to me.

I'll pass on this.

Mememe  –  8 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+41)

Surprised that they are offering the same version as last time, wonder why they bother to put it on this site when they take no notice of the feedback.
It was compared unfavourably with PDFill PDF Tools freeware then and it hasn't improved and so I also will stick with the free version program.

A quick couple of points; first, if you create a PDF file by whatever means if there are links included in it check that they work after, second, often when the PDF file is created it is done without bookmarks, an index, you can create your own using the freeware program at the following link:-

Seb  –  8 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+27)

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