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UnHackMe 16.10 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — UnHackMe 16.10

UnHackMe beseitigt alle Arten von schädlicher Software!
Benutzer Rating: 60 Kommentar hinterlassen

UnHackMe 16.10 war am 18. Juni 2024! als Giveaway verfügbar!

Giveaway of the Day heute
heute kostenlos
Eines der sichersten Registry-Reinigungstools, die heute auf dem Markt erhältlich sind.

UnHackMe ist der ultimative Malware-Killer für Windows!

Ursprünglich wurde UnHackMe im Jahr 2005 als Anti-Rootkit-Software entwickelt. Heute entfernt es die folgenden Arten von Schadsoftware: Suche umleiten, Popup-Werbung, potenziell unerwünschte Programme (PUPs), Rootkits, Trojaner, Spyware und Keylogger. UnHackMe ist mit allen bekannten Antiviren-Software kompatibel. Es ist die beste Ergänzung zu eurem Antivirus! UnHackMe verlangsamt euren PC nicht und scannt nicht in Echtzeit. Ihr könnt den Scan-Zeitplan nach euren Bedürfnissen anpassen.


Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/10/ 11 (x32/x64); 256 MB RAM; 40 MB of free disk space; Compatible with all known antiviral software


Greatis Software




42.8 MB

Licence details:

Lebenslange Lizenz, keine Updates



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Fortinet, Inc.
Developed by Hewlett-Packard
Developed by 360 Security Center
Developed by Microsoft

Kommentare zum UnHackMe 16.10

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Top-Kommentare auf Englisch

I have used this software before. But can it work together with Microsoft Defender? To find that out, I asked ChatGPT the following question:

"Please advise me: if I install UnHackMe on a Windows 11 computer, should I turn off Microsoft Defender? Or can they work together? How should I tune them? Please report any url's you consulted to answer my questions. Thank you in advance."

Below ChatGPT's answer:
"UnHackMe is designed to work as an additional layer of security on top of your existing antivirus solution, including Microsoft Defender. However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind when running multiple security programs concurrently.

Compatibility and Coexistence

UnHackMe can work alongside Microsoft Defender. There is no need to disable Microsoft Defender when installing UnHackMe. Running both programs together can provide comprehensive protection as UnHackMe specializes in detecting and removing rootkits, while Microsoft Defender offers broad-spectrum antivirus and anti-malware protection.

Tuning and Configuration

To ensure that both programs work harmoniously without causing performance issues or conflicts, follow these steps:

Install UnHackMe: Download and install UnHackMe from a reputable source. Follow the installation instructions.

Update Both Programs: Ensure both UnHackMe and Microsoft Defender are up-to-date with the latest virus definitions and software updates.

Exclude Folders:
In UnHackMe: Add Microsoft Defender’s folders to UnHackMe’s exclusion list. This prevents UnHackMe from scanning Defender’s files.
In Microsoft Defender: Add UnHackMe’s installation folder to Microsoft Defender’s exclusion list. This prevents Defender from mistakenly identifying UnHackMe as a threat.

To exclude files or folders in Microsoft Defender:
Open Windows Security.
Go to "Virus & threat protection."
Click on "Manage settings" under "Virus & threat protection settings."
Scroll down to "Exclusions" and click "Add or remove exclusions."
Add the UnHackMe installation folder.

Scheduled Scans: Stagger the scheduled scans to avoid both programs running simultaneous scans, which can cause performance degradation. For example, set UnHackMe to scan at a different time than Microsoft Defender.

Monitoring Performance

After installation and initial configuration:

Monitor system performance.
Check for any unusual behavior or system slowdowns.
If you encounter any issues, revisit the exclusion settings and scheduled scan times.

URLs Consulted

For accurate and detailed information, I consulted the following sources:

UnHackMe official website: https://www.unhackme.com/
Microsoft Defender documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-antivirus-in-windows-10
Various tech forums and reviews for user experiences with UnHackMe and Microsoft Defender.

By following these steps and guidelines, you should be able to run UnHackMe alongside Microsoft Defender without any significant issues, thus enhancing your system's security."

A pity ChatGTP did not disclose the url's behind 'Various tech forums and reviews for user experiences with UnHackMe and Microsoft Defender.' But what it writes, seems very plausible. Certainly the tip to exclude their folders to the scrutiny of their counterpart.

As the licence is lifetime, and this software is regularly given away here, I feel no need to search for alternatives. https://alternativeto.net/software/unhackme/ found 52 alternatives.

gergn  –  8 days ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+27)

No one should trust anything CHATGPT says without checking reliable sources, so why not just do that in the first place. It is designed to make misinformation sound plausible. But yes, sometimes it is right.

rww  –  8 days ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+39)

gergn, My input, stay away from AI for solutions, questions or to confirm or deny. AI is made to brainwash, confuse, mislead and make you not to believe in your knowledge and reason.

mike  –  7 days ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+9)

I was a tester for Bard/Gemini until recently and, as part of my testing, did comparisons with Bing/Copilot, ChatGPT, and others. In roughly half of my queries, across a wide range of subjects, the AIs produced plausible-sounding but inaccurate responses. Sometimes they were wholly fabricated, sometimes only partly, but still misleading.

They are designed to produce something plausible that meets their users' expectations, and these companies don't seem very interested in changing this (fatal) flaw. Instead, they add more bells and whistles and incorporate AI into more elements of our lives. Perplexity.ai is more accurate, but it still draws inferences from its sources -- which it reveals -- that aren't accurate, and it doesn't distinguish between some user's comment on reddit and a trustworthy source.

I've been a fan of artificial intelligence since I first read about cybernetics in third grade, in 1959, but never did I imagine it would be designed to produce "alternative facts."

David J. Bookbinder  –  7 days ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+13)

Using this program in the past it finds too many PUPs, programs that are not used often. It is thorough but you have to know which programs you wish to keep and those you wished removed. In other words, you need to know what you're doing.

Dennis Comito  –  7 days ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+12)

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