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Perfect Hotkey 1.32 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Perfect Hotkey 1.32

Perfect Hotkey ermöglicht euch einfaches Erstellen und Verwalten einer kategorisierten Hotkey-Liste (auch heisse Tasten genannt.
Benutzer Rating: 135 6 Kommentare

Perfect Hotkey 1.32 war am 15. September 2015! als Giveaway verfügbar!

Giveaway of the Day heute
heute kostenlos
Ein professioneller Hintergrundentferner!

Perfect Hotkey ermöglicht euch einfaches Erstellen und Verwalten einer kategorisierten Hotkey-Liste (auch heisse Tasten genannt). So könnt ihr Windows-Befehle übernehmen, diese durch eure eigenen Routine-Aufgaben ergänzen und somit eine Menge Zeit und Mühe sparen!

Zeit sparen? Na klar! Wenn ihr mit Hilfe der Maus auf den Programmnamen klickt, müsst ihr ja zunächst die Softwareliste aufrufen, die benötigte Anwendung finden usw. Das dauert! Eine heisse Taste hingegen bringt das Programm in Sekundenschnelle auf euren Bildschirm!


Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1 (x32/x64)


YL Computing




7.45 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Microsoft
Create PDF documents from printable files.
Developed by ES-Computing
Generate, edit, convert and protect PDF files.

Kommentare zum Perfect Hotkey 1.32

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Und wo liegt der Vorteil gegenüber dem ordinären 'Rechtsklick-Eigenschaften-Tastenkombination'?

Antworten   |   GunarSchneider  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Ich kenne nur die heisse Tasse von Unox.

Antworten   |   Hans  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

"Wenn ihr mit Hilfe der Maus auf den Programmnamen klickt, müsst ihr ja zunächst die Softwareliste aufrufen, die benötigte Anwendung finden usw..."
was für ein Blödsinn !
Ich habe von den wichtigsten Programen Verknüpfungen auf dem Desktop und vom Rest in der Startleiste, bei Win 8 und 10...

Antworten   |   hothand  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Zitat: "...auch heisse Tasten genannt."

Hmmm... Von mir nicht. Vielleicht von Leuten, die auch "Weltnetz" sagen.

Antworten   |   Hermann  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Einfach die kleine 2,87 MB Datei schadsoftfrei und Nerven schonend http://hi.ylcomputing.com/products/perfect-hotkey/download herunter laden und freischalten: Name: Giveawayoftheday
sn :D0C2AF21-CDD04511-B2B1A9FF-F703C3AD-9CE7-40F3-8349-525773D2C5C7-YLIDLIFETIME
Viel Spass damit. Danke!

Antworten   |   Cora  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Na ja, eine heisse Taste für $40 ist dann doch ziemlich übertrieben. Der Download ist auch heute nicht ohne Vorschaltseite möglich, damit hat es sich für mich auch schon erledigt. Ja auch die letzten GAOTD-Fans sagen leise tschüss...

Antworten   |   Eden Prairie  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)
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Go to the icon appearing in the Hidden Icons, Right Click on Perfect Hotkey Icon, Go to Help, Go to Enter Registration Key

Rajesh Pabari  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+6)

Run the software.
Look at your monitor's bottom right hand corner.
Find the Hotkey icon with a P on it.
Use your mouse to right click on the icon.
A menu will appear.
Move you mouse pointer over [Help]
A new scroll list will appear.
The second bottom most row is [Enter Registration Key]
You can click on it.
A new [Enter Registration Key] Window appears.
Enter your License Name and License Code.

ric  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+22)

I'm using native hotkeys available in Firefox, OpenOfice etc. a lot.
I have tried in former times other hotkey possibilities and even assigned in Windows hotkeys for starting several programs (e.g. CTRL+O for Opera browser). There are free programs which allow to record mouse activities and assign a hotkey (macro recorder). But who can remember all these hotkeys? I can't! (And there is the problem of same hotkeys used inside and outside programs for different tasks - the programs will tell shortcuts inside their menu structure, but how about PerfectHotkey?) As far as I remember I sometimes encountered shortcut collisions.


My solutions for quickstart:
- I have filled my desktop nearly completely with icons for my most used programs like OpenOffice, LibreOffice, IrfanView, SpeedCommander (giveaway payware), freeCommander etc. And there are some program link folders for the rest, e.g. Graphic, GraphicViewers, Video etc. where I can find others fast alphabetically sorted.
- And my own local startpage has been built with several simple html commands and contains several hundred links showing abbreviations as their names. Construction example see below.

My hotkey problems:
- My first problem with any of the hotkey generators I tried had been: where I really would have needed them, e.g. to assign several columns to parts of my OpenOffice texts they weren't available. And I couldn't find any strategy to add them.
- My second problem was "mouse activity", e.g. move the pointer to a certain position, then some combinations of key and mouse activities and all this assigned to one hotkey.
If somebody knows any solution for one or both problems thanks in advance!

But back to Perfect Hotkey 1.32:
I've missed some more information on their homepage. Above "Some of them are internal Perfect Hotkey commands and the rest are Windows commands." I'm missing a list of these internal commands. And as far as I can see this program can only combine several hotkey commands to one.

And there is another problem: Nearly all otherwise unused key combinations - you won't misuse combinations alread in use! - need some artistic usage of your fingers or both hands - no great advantage.

Nobody is perfect ... but Perfect Hotkeys is?!
Could somebody from US tell us whether this is a postbox address (perhaps for foreigners)?
9625 West 76th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
United States of America
Phone number is missing!

How to construct your own startpage:
As GOTD allows comments with some html commands (see section "Leave a comment" please) I here had to exchange angle brackets to square brackets [] before publishing. You have to change them back before usage.
First step: Please change left square bracket to left angle bracket (smaller-than sign) everywhere and right square brackets to right angle brackets (greater-than sign) before changing to your needs:
[font size=2]
[P][STRONG][IMG SRC="html/r_ball.gif" width=13 height=13 ALT=""]
Search [A HREF="http://www.ixquick.com/"]ixquick[/A] || [/STRONG]
[A HREF="http://www.google.de"]Google[/A]
Please add duplicates here and edit to your needs!
Last step: Save the resulting file as e.g. START.html and declare it startpage (home) in your browser.

FrancisBorne  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+11)

Would much rather use my mouse rather than the keyboard, was such a relief to get away from all the typing required in DOS.
Hence, have never been keen on using hot keys; used to drive my old boss crazy in my programming days.

To keep things simple I put links in appropriate folders, the folders being as follows:-

Tools, Audio, Video, PDF etc and so I'm just a couple of clicks away the programs I want.

The problem I find with hotkeys is I'm all fingers and thumbs. Plus I can never remember them for all of the programs I have, so I never know what to use for a new one.

XP-Man  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+11)

I'm not so keen on the idea to launch software with short-hand key combinations. But by all means, if you are comfortable with it, why not?

xenox  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (-59)

Xenox, Key shortcuts have been around and have been helpful, ever since they were introduced in Win 95. If you use the Windows copy (Ctl+c) shortcut, or Paste (Cntl+v) shortcuts, then you are using them. They were revolutionary, and are really helpful for getting things done on a PC.

Rick_S  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+9)

I have always used the built in shortcut key that has been available for years in windows. Just right click any icon and select properties and press the relevant key or combination of keys in the shortcut key box on the properties screen. Now you can press these on the desktop and your program will launch.

Sean  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+7)

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