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PDF to X 12 war am 20. August 2020! als Giveaway verfügbar!
Konvertiert PDF-Dateien in DOC/RTF/HTML/TXT/JPG/GIF/PNG/BMP/TIF/TGA/PCX-Formate.
Bitte beachtet: Das Tool beinhaltet eine Jahreslizenz inklusive Upgrades. Klickt hier, um einen SEHR GROßEN Rabatt auf weitere Lizenzen zu erhalten -
nur am Tag des Giveaways!
Windows XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
8.95 MB
1 Jahreslizenz inklusive ein Jahr Updates
Wollt ihr das RSI-Risiko (Repetitive Strain Injury - Verletzung durch wiederholte Beanspruchung/Belastung) reduzieren? Dann braucht ihr unbedingt PC WorkBreak! Das Tool bietet euch diverse Pausenerinnerungen wie z.B. Dehnen, Mikroentspannung, Augenübungen und dezente Aufforderungen, ein paar Schritte zu gehen.
WinExt hilft euch beim Feststellen und Entfernen doppelter Dateien, um wertvollen Platz zu befreien. Es hilft euch zu sehen, welche Anwendungen besonders viele Ressourcen in Anspruch nehmen, überwacht Verzeichnisse, in denen Dateioperationen stattfinden usw.
Duplicate File Finder Plus - findet in Sekundenschnelle doppelte Dateien auf eurer Festplatte und hilft euch dabei, wertvollen Speicherplatz zurück zu gewinnen.
1Tree Pro verschafft euch den Überblick über alle Laufwerke/Verzeichnisse/Dateigrößen in einem Baumverzeichnis, um schnelle manuelle Reinigung zu ermöglichen. Das Programm bietet euch darüber hinaus bequemen Batch-Modus.
Ein vollfunktionaler Zeittaschenrechner.
"1 Year Single License (1 PC) with 1 Year Upgrades is included in this version"
What does that even mean? Clarify please.
The link does not clarify
Sounds like a standard 1 year license to me.
To [ maddog ], who is not sure what 1 year with updates means ...
It means
- this will work for a year,
- and also it will receive updates during that year,
- but after a year, it will no longer work,
- and of course, then it will also no longer receive updates.
My goal is PDF to epub, via OCR if needed.
I'm impressed, from a tiny 4 MB installation file, it makes 3x larger files in the install directory, and is still only 12 MB ( are their programmers working in machine language ? ).
The program produces an HTML output rendering that is more accurate than my ageing Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro produces when exporting a text-and-image-based PDF ( not OCR ) to HTML.
Kudos, at least for 1/3rd of my target ( I can take an HTML to Epub via a second step in other programs ).
TriSunSoft, I recommend adding the other 2/3rds:
- a convert-to-epub target,
- and OCR.
Thanks, this is v12, I await v13 ... with epub and OCR.
I have tried all possibilities except PDF to JPG and HTML. The worst results were achieved with PDF to Text. BVerfG -decisions were not readable because they were displayed with different numbers and characters. Where it was successful, they were displayed in a way that even the line break could not bring them into a clear structure. None of the 51 PDFs was displayed correctly readable. With PDF to Doc/Rif it was about the same. My even more extensive PDF collection was not to be converted with it. I am not a computer expert to convert the numbers and characters into readable text. That's why I have removed this so called conversion program.
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