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Odin Data Recovery Professional Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Odin Data Recovery Professional

Odin Data Recovery Professional ist ein nützliches Datenwiederherstellungstool für Hardware RAID, Festplatten, USB-Festplatten, SD/Memory Cards usw.
Benutzer Rating: 321 8 Kommentare

Odin Data Recovery Professional war am 9. Juli 2011! als Giveaway verfügbar!

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Odin Data Recovery Professional ist ein nützliches Datenwiederherstellungstool für Hardware RAID, Festplatten, USB-Festplatten, SD/Memory Cards usw. Ob neu formatieren, gelöschte Dateien aus dem Papierkorb wiederherstellen oder Verlorenes nach einem Partitionsschaden, einem Softwareabsturz, einem Virusangriff usw. zurückholen - all das schafft dieses nützliche Programm!


  • Wiederherstellen von Daten auf Geräten mit unbekannten Datensystemen;
  • Wiederherstellen von Dateien, die im Papierkorb gelandet sind;
  • Zurückholen von Daten nach einem Partitionierungsfehler oder einem Festplattenabsturz
  • Wiederherstellen von Daten von unlesbaren dynamischen Festplatten.


Windows NT4/ 2000/ 2003/ XP/ Vista/ 7


Odin Share Company




1.46 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.
Developed by 3DP
Developed by Baidu, Inc.

Kommentare zum Odin Data Recovery Professional

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Wierder ohne deutsche Oberfläche. Schon aus Prinzip hat es somit verloren - Klitschentool, was sonst!

Antworten   |   Frauenfussballweltmeister  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

hey klasse tool hat alles wieder hergestellt
weiss nicht was die lurchies haben wo das teil nicht funtzt
denk mal die haben soviel schrott auf der platte instet und gleich wieder deinstet so das wichtige teile von win deletet wurden
daumen rauf 100 punkte danke gotd

Antworten   |   frosch  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Habe das Teil auch getestet: alle Dateien (die natürlich nicht überschrieben wurden) sind im Originalzustand wiederhergestellt worden. Mit den richtigen Datei-Endungen, lesbaren Texten und einwandfreien Fotos.
Den Papierkorb-Test (siehe posting #1) habe ich leider vergessen, kann also nichts dazu sagen.
Aber $49.95 würde ich dafür niemals bezahlen!

Antworten   |   Belushi  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

49 $? WÜrde ich dafür niemals bezahlen.

Meine Empfehlung (Freeware, aber gut):

RECUVA von Pirisoft

PC Inspector (2 Programme: Data und File Recovery)

Antworten   |   Thomas  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Moin Gaotd-Team,

Gute Sache das, alle Daumen hoch und vielen Dank.
Durch Euch kann man jede Menge Euros sparen auch dafür danke!

Gruß: Gikkes

Antworten   |   Gikkes  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Was soll ich mit einem tool, welches zwar gelöschte Dateien findet aber nicht wieder brauchbar herstellen kann? Klick, klick und weg.
Heute leider alle Daumen runter und keine Punkte. Da freue ich mich schon auf den Sommerbildschirmschoner morgen. Vielen Dank!

Antworten   |   Kik Handzettel  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Heruntergeladen und installiert. Ist erst mal die deutsche Oberfläche eingestellt, die SD-Karte ausgewählt, geht es auch schon los. 343 Bilder gefunden. Prima. Jetzt alle wieder herstellen lassen und siehe da, die Dateiendung fehlt. Alle wieder ordnungsgemäß umbenannt und nicht ein einziges Bild wird angezeigt. Professional an diesem Odin-tool ist jedoch der sehr gut und schnell funktionierende Uninstaller.
Mit einem Klick hat sich diese Fehlprogrammierung auch schon wieder verabschiedet. Für dieses wunderschöne, deutsche tool sind die $50
doch ein richtiges Schnäppchen! Na dann ein schönes Wochenende und viel Spaß mit dem Mist. Vielen Dank an GAOTD für eure täglichen, vergeblichen Bemühungen.

Antworten   |   Ihr Spacken  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Unglaublich, hat selbst frisch (NTFS/ direkt vorm dem Scan) aus dem Papierkorb gelöschte Dateien nicht gefunden. ---Nutzlos---

Antworten   |   OdinDataRecTester  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)
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Top-Kommentare auf Englisch

I actually have a corrupt drive that I salvaged from my old computer. My old computer was affected by a power surge during a storm and when connecting the drive to my computer it came up as bring corrupt and windows explorer could not open the drive. I have managed to recover what I believe to be the majority of my files already but I gave this program and go and see if it could do any better. It did not.

I mounted a RAW disc image of my failed drive and this program couldn't even begin recovering any files. It did nothing. I couln't even select the drive it my disk image was mounted to. I tried selected the start and end sectors and tried 'Rescan drives' and 'Find Logical Drives' options / set the save directory but yet again nothing happens.

There is no help for using this program either. There's 2 buttons on the main menu that say 'Home' and 'Help'. 'Home' opens your browser and goes to the home page while 'Help' goes to the product page.

The only help on there is their simple tutorial
1. Select the logical drive you want to scan.
2. choose the save path.
3. Click" start scan" button to begin the job

And the general questions section was completely unrelated (FAQs on video formats) to the program!

The detailed step by step guide link redirects you to the exact same page. The live chat feature on the right hand side of the page that has the 'online' status is actually misleading since it is an email, and not a 'live chat support'.

Website - Terrible
Program - Doesn't do as claimed and has no (sufficient) help within the program or on their website


Also, I'm really interested in recovering files I deleted on my working drives using this program as there are already plenty of good free alternatives. This program simply could not do what it promised.

Nathan  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+193)

This is what I call a ripoff or scam.
The software price is about $50.

What do you get, a window, grey and white, looks like Win95 or pre Win95, less then a 1mb in size. It lists files on your hard drive, but it do not tell you if the listed files are pressent, deleted, or in what level they can be recovered.

It reminds of that old joke to Win95, that pretended to delete all files on your harddrive. Could be same software with a few new buttons.

There are no options what so ever, part from recover and switch to FAT/FAT32 mode.

When it comes to recover deleted files this software tells me just as much as dir c: will do, not a feaken thing.

I can not even begin to count how many free softwares, that are way better then this one in all ways.

:( Well at least it was small.

Micke  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+115)

Recuva from Piriform is much better than this and has a better Interface. Best of all, it is FREE. http://www.piriform.com/recuva

GAOTD really is a nice place, but there is just too many free alternative to the paid stuff that they place on this site.

Yoshiyah  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+111)

I was one of the first persons to try this software today.
And it was a complete waste of bandwidth and time. I don't understand why GAOTD team is supporting such software which very few will like.

I recently had a HDD crash, and though I managed to recover my data and partitions, I was thinking this Odin can help me in the future in disaster-recovery situations. It won't.

The installation and registration were easy, but the software has a clunky interface, slow scanning, meaningless buttons, the drive info doesn't refresh if you select another partition, there's no help feature or user manual, except for a button that routes you to their minimalistic website. In short, Odin Data Recovery doesn't inspire confidence that I can rely on it during a data-recovery emergency.

I know many people here are newbies who will gladly try out any new freebie. And there are pros who will not even give today's GAOTD another look, since they already have their favorite recovery tools.

For the newbies, here's some info...

If you want to recover data, try these (Google/Bing them) free tools:
1. Undeleting files from HDD: Recuva (from Piriform), Restoration (by Brian Kato), PC Inspector File Recovery, UndeleteMyFiles (by SeriousBit), Roadkil's Undelete, Pandora Recovery
2. Recovering files from removable media: Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier (for recovering files from scratched CDs/DVDs), PhotoRec (by CGSecurity; for recovering pictures from memory cards and USB flash disks), IsoBuster, CD Recovery Toolbox
3. Recovering partitions and restoring damaged boot sectors/MBR/BCD: UBCD (ultimate boot cd), System Rescue CD or Ubuntu Rescue Remix or Parted Magic (linux-based rescue disks; but GParted doesn't work on some disks/issues), TestDisk (by CGSecurity; powerful recovery tool, use with care!), MiniTool Power Data Recovery (very good and free rescue cd), Ranish partition manager (obsolete now; but still useful in some situations), Windows 7 Startup Recovery (system restore, bootrec, diskpart, bcdedit, etc are useful if you know how to use them and especially if you don't have any other tools handy).

If you are already having any of the previous GAOTD data-recovery software, my suggestion is to run them when your PC is perfectly healthy! This way you will get an understanding and familiarity with the software, and will be able to know its limitations and possibilities. Always, take backups before making any changes to your system!! Backups and recovery boot disks are often your best bet during a disaster recovery session.

If you are undeleting some files you accidentally deleted, make sure you don't add or install any new files on that partition, and try one of the portable recovery tools by copying it to another partition and running it from there.

And if you managed to nuke your hard-disk, do not panic! Even if you are not confident, get a techie professional to help you out. Sometimes the value of your precious data is worth the cost of professional recovery services and investing in commercial backup/recovery software.

All the best!

veekay  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+106)

Not a keeper at all - there are plenty of free programs which can do this. This program could not find a deleted file on a USB stick, whereas others could with no problem at all. It's a very small download but still a waste of space.

intamike  –  13 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+97)

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