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Magical File Shield 1.0 war am 26. Februar 2009! als Giveaway verfügbar!
Magical File Shield ist ein leistungsstarkes und trotzdem einfach zu nutzendes Tool, welches dabei hilft, eure Dateien zu schützen, indem es besonders starke (Govt. certified) Verschlüsselungs-Algorithmen verwendet. Dieses Verfahren gewährleistet, dass eure geschützten Dateien sicher vor Eindringlingen sind und von keiner unerwünschten Person eingesehen werden können.
PC compatible Pentium 60 processor or faster system; Windows XP/2003/Vista; 8 Mb RAM or higher
680 KB
Mit nur einem Klick erlaubt es euch Secure Evidence Scrubber den Cache, die Cookies, die Historie, eingegebene URLs, Speicher oder index.dat eures Browsers zu löschen, ebenso wie den Ordner für temporäre Dateien von Windows, dessen verschiedene Historie-Ordner und die kürzlich geöffneten Dokumente, etc. Vernichtet all eure privaten Spuren und schützt eure Privatsphäre.
Magical File Encrypt ist ein leistungsstarkes und bedienerfreundliches Tool, mit dem ihr eure wichtigen Dateien mit Hilfe effizienter, sehr schneller Verschlüsselungsverfahren schützen könnt. Die Daten werden dabei mittels performanter Cipher Operationen absolut unkenntlich gemacht für alle, die nicht im Besitz des Entschlüsselungs-Algorithmus sind. Nur mit dem korrekten Passwort können die Daten gelesen werden. Selbst wenn eine nicht-authorisierte Person Zugang zu euren Dateien bekommt, wird sie dank Magical File Encrypt nicht in der Lage sein, den Inhalt zu lesen.
If it was a bike - Magical File Shield just feels like Magical File Encrypt that has been painted a different color and this one comes with bell on the handlebars.
If Video converters can release a different "product" for each codec (source and destination) then this is a precedent I really don't like.
I believe this should just be an update to "Magical File Shield". Announcing a "new" product - does sound better than releasing a 1.2 or 2.0 version update of the old product - but not necessarily better for users - making choice more difficult than it needs to be.
I'm guessing that coming soon will be "Magical File Protection" - with new menus and screen layouts, and a different encryption algorithm available (but the program will essentially do the same thing as it's predecessors).
Visible Pros: Can extract these programs on remote machines requiring only the password.
Visible Cons: Files are immediately identified as encrypted, by this program. Could provide easy-cracking if this program has any flaws leading to insecurity.
-Appears best for: encrypting files to send to other people over insecure channels (IM file transfer, email).
See also: TrueCrypt (Free, Open-Source) - creates a "Virtual Encrypted Disk" within a file and mounts it as a real disk. Can place files within and then close said disk, leaving it encrypted.
Pros: File contains no specific tags or header/footer, thus unidentifiable as an encrypted file by TrueCrypt.
Cons: Requires TrueCrypt to decrypt.
-Appears best for: Desktop encryption, hiding files.
#1 Bubby,
You are right in a sense. You see after the developer of Magical File Encrypt, Arzoosoft, read my review on his software, he asked me for suggestions on how to improve his software. I told him to add the ability to create self encrypting/decrypting standalone files. From there he decided to create a new program, Magical File Shield, instead of improving upon his old because. I was actually surprised myself, but his reasoning behind it was pretty sound, that it would take more work to retrofit MFE then create a whole new program.
Anyway, I have had a review for this software half written sitting as a draft for a while now; finally find the excuse to finish it now.
This saves your encrypted files as an executable! YAY!!! So later you can use it without this program being installed, or on a different machine! Just needs your password! For me, that's THE BIG THING!
I once had an encrypted file I locked myself out of, because I had uninstalled it's encryption program, & forgot I had made an encrypted file with it! And of course, it was my work records! Not that month's, just the 4 years previous! I found it's encrypter program online a couple weeks later after many searchs, but had to buy the updated program to get my work out of encryption jail. lol :) If an error can be made, I have probably done it! :)Did the same with a backup program once.
A backup or encypted file is useless if you MUST use the same program to free your data!
THANKS MUCH for a great program! KEEPER! :)
The Good
* Simple and easy to use.
* Creates standalone self decrypting/encrypting executable files.
* You can batch encrypt or decrypt.
* You can set the standalone file to open, run and then re-crypt automatically or you can extract the file from the standalone.
* Uses the AES 256 method/algorithm.
* You can chose between a "protected" prefix or suffix.
* You can the option to keeping your original source file or deleting it after encryption.
The Bad
* Not Open Source
* Encryption/decryption/extraction gets very slow as the file size enters in the MBs.
* If the filename of the file that is to be encrypted is long, running/extracting the file will have problems.
* You can only add/drag + drop one file at a time.
* The first time I run the program after installation, drag + drop does not work (first time only - just restart program).
* By default, the original source file is left after encryption.
* No batch 'decrypting'.
* No option to automatically delete standalone executable if you don't want it after you extract the contents.
Registration and installation
Registration is odd a bit unorthodoxy. You must run Activate.exe then you will get the registration name and code that you must use to register this software. You can right click -> copy the registration code from that window and paste it into the registration box from the program.
Free Alternatives
Kruptos 2
Before I say anything else let me say TrueCrypt will always be king when it comes to encryption. There is no program that can provide the features and the security of TrueCrypt. If you need the highest level of security and peace of mind, go with TrueCrypt. However, TrueCrypt does not provide the ability to create standalone self executable files so it is not really a 'true' alternative to Magical File Shield. That being said, while I gave File Defender a thumbs up, I have to give Magical File Shield a thumbs down for the reasons mentioned above. However, MFS is a new program and the developer is constantly developing and improving it (he has big plans for it - trust me) so it will most definitely become a good competitor in the future. But for now, my recommendation for today would be either get AxCrypt or Kruptos 2. First I suggest AxCrypt because it is open source, trusted, and works well, even if it lacks the ability to automatically decrypt files like MFS does. If you don't like AxCrypt for some reason, then go with Kruptos 2 which is a viable alternative; just keep in mind Kruptos 2 is not open source (it is freeware though) and it is not officially supported on Vista.
Full Review: Click here please.
@Finger weg: na dann ist ja für dich nocheinmal alles gutgegangen, besser du ladest in Zukunft nichts mehr herunter
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NOD32 Enterprise hat einen Troian-Dropper in der Install-Datei gefunden.
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Sowohl die extrem starke und programmunabhängige Verschlüsselung als auch die einfache Bedienung können überzeugen. Danke für dieses Spitzengiveaway!
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Schlechte Software.
Besser auf Open Source Software wie True Crypt Zurückgreifen!
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Installieren und mit
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wie registriert man das? wenn ich den code eingebe startet das programm neu und verlangt nochmal eine registrierung
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Passwort mit 20 Zeichen bei 256 bit Verschlüsselung = 256 ^ 20 = 1,47 * 10 ^ 48 Möglichkeiten. Gelle da schaut´s...
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AES 256 bit: backup-medium.de/256-Bit-AES.html
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AES 256 bit: www.backup-medium.de/256-Bit-AES.html
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Klasse programme danke GAOTD :)
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93% aller hier befindlichen User sind diese Seite nicht Wert !
Gruß an alle die Dankbar sind das es GaotD gibt.
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TrueCrypt, what else?
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Wenn ihr das noch nicht wussten, Indien ist einer der besten Exporteure in IT Bereich schon seit ziemlich lange her.
Also bitte..
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Praktisch die Datein werden als exe. gespeichert. +
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Echt gutes Programm !
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Danke GaOTD. Das ist ja ein Supertool. Das wollte ich schon immer haben. Dass die in Indien Computer haben, habe ich noch gar nicht gewusst. Toll!!
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Sehr gutes Tool ! Danke GaotD...
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Heute Encryption aus Indien und morgen Partitionstool aus der Wallachei.
Einfach nur lachhaft!
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Vielen Dank für das seh nützliche Tool
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ArzooSoft Solutions:ArzooSoft Solutions was founded in March 2008 by IT students from Kolkata, India.
Alles klar! Jetzt schon was aus Indien von den armen Studenten.
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und wieder ein Deja Vu:
November 30, 2008 - Magical File Encrypt
und wieder der Hinweis auf TrueCrypt und Blowfish Advanced CS
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Danke. Sieht ganz gut aus.
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So isses.
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