Täglich bieten wir KOSTENLOSE lizenzierte Software an, die ihr sonst bezahlen müsstet!
Kotobee Author 1.6.0 (Win&Mac) war am 23. Dezember 2019! als Giveaway verfügbar!
Kotobee Author ist ein umfangreicher Ebook-Creator und EPUB-Editor, perfekt geeignet für Bildungs-, Trainings- und Veröffentlichungszwecke. So könnt ihr problemlos interaktive Ebooks mit Video-, Audio- und 3D-Elementen sowie mit Widgets, interaktiven Fragen und weiteren Details. Exportiert eure Ebooks auf viele verschiedene Plattformen wie z.B. EPUB, MOBI (Kindle), Web Apps, Desktop Apps und Chrome Apps (Android & iOS App Export nur für Premium-Benutzer verfügbar).
Mit der exklusiven GOTD-Lizenz könnt ihr eure Web- und Desktop-Apps anstelle von Kotobee mit eurem eigenen Logo versehen. Außerdem erhaltet ihr einen Monat kostenlose Software-Updates.
Bitte beachtet: Das Archiv beinhaltet x32 und x64 Programinstaller sowie eine Mac-Version!
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
280 MB
Kommentare zum Kotobee Author 1.6.0 (Win&Mac)
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
The software developer wrote: "Kotobee Author allows you to export to all top platforms, such as EPUB, MOBI (Kindle), Web apps, Desktop apps, and Chrome apps (Android & iOS app export available only for Premium users)."
Do I correctly understand your statement that whatever I will develop in Katobee’ today giveaway it won’t be available to Android-based devices (i.e. most smartphones and tablets), nor any IOS–based ones, unless I purchase Premium user’s option? If so, then the reader’s base of Katobee products seems ridiculously reduced to PC and laptop users, which in today’s world seems to make the value of the option offered today quite limited. Or am I wrong? I do not complain, nor do I require (how should I?) more than was offered. I only want to make clear if I understand correctly Katobee’s giveaway of today. Regard - Marek
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Beside its outputs as EPUB, MOBI, PDF, HTML, EXE, the software can also allow users to export the "book" as an app (to install and run directly on an Android, iOS or Windows phone/tablet, without the need of a book reader).
This giveaway does not offer you to export your book as an app, which requires a Premium account.
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Could you please explain, why your software enters the following information in my windows 10 registry? (I erased the hashes after the "=" for privacy purposes.)
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OhOh, got into a trouble, The kotobee when try to open epub file of a size 45.2 MB. It will report that the file is corrupted, where actually can be open in another reader.I have tried several others , seems that the limit is about 14mb at 15mb it reports as a corrupted.
Is that known or intentional limit? or the problem is someplace else?
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