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KCleaner 3.8.4 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — KCleaner 3.8.4

KCleaner hilft euch beim effizienten Reinigen eurer Festplatte.
Benutzer Rating: 59 2 Kommentare

KCleaner 3.8.4 war am 28. Mai 2022! als Giveaway verfügbar!

Giveaway of the Day heute
heute kostenlos
Konvertiert JPG-, PNG-, TIFF- und BMP-Bilder in PDFs.

KCleaner hilft euch beim effizienten Reinigen eurer Festplatte und vernichtet jeden nutzlosen Bit, um mehr Ressourcen für eure Dokumente, Musik, Bilder usw. zu geben.

Erkennt und bereinigt temporäre und nutzlose Dateien (Cache, nicht verwendete Setup-Dateien ...)
- Automatikmodus im Hintergrund
- Gesicherte Methode zum Löschen von Dateien
- Expertenmodus: Erlaubt euch, die Kontrolle über das Löschen von Dateien durch KCleaner zu übernehmen
- Keine nervigen Meldungen
- Automatisches Update innerhalb der aktuellen Version (3.7.x)
- Premium-Tech-Support


Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64)


KC Softwares




3.5 MB

Licence details:

Lifetime, no updates



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Create videos and snapshots using your webcam camera.
Developed by IObit
Transfer data between your computer and Garmin devices.

Kommentare zum KCleaner 3.8.4

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wo gebe ich die Serien Nummer ein

Antworten   |   Carl Alexander  –  2 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Irgendwie stimmt die Beschreibung nicht ganz: als Version ist 3.8.4 angegeben, in der Beschreibung steht: "Automatisches Update innerhalb der aktuellen Version (3.7.x)"

Antworten   |   software-nutzer  –  2 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)
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Top-Kommentare auf Englisch

Very dangerous program. It cleans a lot of things without giving the opportunity of selecting what exactly will be cleaned. And even worse, there is no backup or way back ! Installed without problem, but removed asap.

Sean  –  2 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+29)

Have found it an 'aggressive' cleaner and not one to use unless you know what you are dumping!

Paul  –  2 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+25)

KCleaner wrote: "....tracking every useless byte....", in order to do that, you must keep a d-base of where those useless bytes are or the useless bits or the useless temp files and so on, therefore more useless bytes and files are created and it defeats the purpose of cleaning them. Win OS recreates hundreds if not thousands of temp files every time you start the OS, if you start deleting them every day, the life of you HD will be shorten, it is best to leave them alone, the TRIM feature takes care of it very efficiently.

Mike  –  2 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+18)

"tracking every useless byte...' must keep a d-base of where those useless bytes are or the useless bits or the useless temp files and so on... "

I think KC Softwares just made/used an unfortunate choice of words -- like every other cleaning app KCleaner targets known locations where temp files are stored, names & locations of cache files it's safe to delete, and so on.

"Win OS recreates hundreds if not thousands of temp files every time you start the OS"

Actually, the only time Win10/11 creates that many temp files is when you install all the available updates on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, or when you reinstall or upgrade. Just firing Windows up, the OS itself creates less than a dozen -- it's the installed software that's responsible for filling the 2 temp folders. [I've got several VMs I use for testing, & know that from compacting their VHDs.]

" ... if you start deleting them every day, the life of you HD will be shorten, it is best to leave them alone, the TRIM feature takes care of it very efficiently."

The effect of leaving them be or deleting them is likely negligible on a conventional hard disk, as long as you don't run out of space. With an SSD what you have to keep in mind is that you generally don't want to use more than 50% capacity, or performance will suffer [Google]. *For me* the main reason to get rid of the trash is that it makes image backup archives larger than they need to be. The larger the archive the longer it takes to backup/restore, plus it obviously uses more storage. I think you misunderstand TRIM... a conventional hard disk writes new data on top of old, deleted data -- it's a single step. An SSD requires two steps, an erase & a write. TRIM proactively erases deleted data to make future writes to the same storage blocks faster.

mike  –  2 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+9)

And, if you have to watch that an additional program, which also takes up space on your HD/SSD and always switched on is, keep an eye on everything to be able to remove everything that is temporary and useless after the work done, you are not doing well. Let the Maintenance Center of Windows do its job, you don't do anything wrong with that.

Wiston Ryder  –  2 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+16)

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