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Honeycam GIF Maker 1.02 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Honeycam GIF Maker 1.02

Honeycam speichert alles was sich auf eurem Bildschirm abspielt, z.B. YouTube Videos oder Media Player Inhalte als animierte GIF/ WebP/ WebM-Bilddateien.
Benutzer Rating: 345 8 Kommentare

Honeycam GIF Maker 1.02 war am 6. Juli 2015! als Giveaway verfügbar!

Giveaway of the Day heute
heute kostenlos
Hilft euch, alle Arten von verlorenen oder gelöschten Daten auf iOS-Geräten wiederherzustellen.

Honeycam speichert alles was sich auf eurem Bildschirm abspielt, z.B. YouTube Videos oder Media Player Inhalte als animierte GIF/ WebP/ WebM-Bilddateien. Die Funktionen des Tools erlauben es euch, mehrere Bilder (JPG, PNG usw.), die im andauernden Aufnahmemodus entstanden sind, zu verarbeiten. Ihr könnt darüber hinaus Dateien, die von anderen Programmen erstellt worden sind (GIF, WebP usw.) öffnen und bearbeiten. Honeycam benutzt diverse Optimierungstechnologien, um die Größe der Originaldatei bei gleichbleibender Qualität zu minimieren und greift auf euren Arbeitsspeicher (RAM), um schnellere Bearbeitung sicherzustellen.

Darüber hinaus stehen euch nützliche Funktionen wie z.B. 10% schnellere/langsamere Geschwindigkeit, Rückwärts-Wiedergabe, Jo-Jo-Effekt, FPS-Kontrolle, Frames-Löschung, Schneiden, Verändern der Größe, Importieren, Hinzufügen von Text/Bild-Wasserzeichen, Übergangseffekte, Filter usw. Output-Dateien können auf kostenlose Sharing-Services hochgeladen sowie auf Facebook, Twitter usw. geteilt werden. Honeycam ist ein Muss für alle GIF-Liebhaber!


Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: Dual-core; RAM: 2GB; HDD: 100MB or more; VGA: 1024x768, 16bit Color






10.8 MB



Kommentare zum Honeycam GIF Maker 1.02

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Scheinbar auch noch ein gefährliches Programm wenn man dem bericht glauben schenken darf !! Giveawayoftheday bitte checkt das mal bevor ihr Malware verbreitet !!! http://praxistipps.chip.de/yet-another-cleaner-yac-so-entfernen-sie-die-malware_40308

Antworten   |   exposed  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

kann mal jemand den key angeben bei mir klappte es nicht!

Antworten   |   chaconne  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

@oompoop: Sehr wohl mit Fullscreen: Programm öffnen - linken Button "Aufnehmen" wählen und dann dieses Fenster an den Kanten über den gesamten Bildschirm vergrössern. Programm schliessen - danach öffnet es sich immer in dieser Grösse.

Antworten   |   soisses  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Honeycam GIF Maker
Download und Installation völlig problemlos
Läuft rund auf Win 7 32bit
U.a. Deutsch, jedoch ohne Hilfe, kein Fullscreen
Bandisoft,Dangsan-dong 6(yuk)-ga, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul
Erstellt animierte GIFs und dergleichen ...
Umfangreiche Beschreibung auf Homepage (Englisch)
... kommt vorerst ins Regal ...

Antworten   |   oompoop  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Bin großer GIF-Fan und habe daher schon viele GIF-Maker ausprobiert. Aber dieser ist mit abstand der beste und zudem auch in Deutscher Sprache. Die Bedienung ist kinderleicht.

Antworten   |   tracker  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Falsche Email-Adresse oder falscher Registrierungscode.


Antworten   |   mad  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incompled download and damaged media. Contact the Installer´s Author to obtain a new copy........

Antworten   |   HUGO  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)

Failed to launch the program : win 7 - 32

Antworten   |   Waleer  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (0)
Kommentar hinzufügen
Top-Kommentare auf Englisch

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system. Comes with registration preset. Installs a 64bit application in my case. Installs a temporary "phone home"

A South Korean company with address:
"Founded in 2008, Bandisoft is a leading company of screen capture, video recording, video editing and archiving software. "

An interesting feature for the technician:
"Honeycam uses various optimization technologies to decrease the size keeping the original image quality, and uses random access memory (RAM) to increase the capturing/ editing speed."" RAM instead of paper puncher?

A simple resizable window opens, many options from language settings to gif parameters.
You add pictures or take a video. Seems to be a rather complete program, until...

I wanted to use the "tilt shift" option, which crashed the program
http://i.imgur.com/RCfxIji.png (German: doesn't work any longer)

After restart I made a short animated gif of my ... guess what? Congratulation, you're right! Of course of the pizza files:
With watermark and transitions...
http://i.imgur.com/TnTTCpw.gif LOL

Does what it claims, seems to have some slight problems. It is a version 1.02.
Uninstalled via reboot. Don't need this.

Have a good start into this new week!

Karl  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+143)

For now, I haven't much use of this program. But I was enticed by the screenshots, so installed it.

Downloading this GOTD opens Facebook. Once, I had to create a fake FB account in order to get a software. Here, no log in required. But I'm afraid my IP and whatever FB got will be there for a long time... and sold... sigh. I've been putting off running Tails for every single Internet request, perhaps it's time to move on.

The setup dialog, contrary to standard wizards, shows all in one window (location of program, shortcuts, license...). It saves clicks, you don't have to go through several steps. Well done.

I found an usage: recording my typing. Guess what? You can select a scrollable window! By this, I mean a window object, a TextCtrl or a StyledTextCtrl (a Scintilla text editor widget) or whatever, not just a window application. Much easier than selecting a rectangle. Unfortunately, if you move the window, the rectangle does not follow. This dampened my enthusiasm quite a bit.

Overall, Bendisoft did a very good job with the interface. They deserve a palm, especially when compared to too many poor designed other GOTD.

The only serious drawback: you have to go to preferences to set up the duration of the recording. Unfortunately, the recording relies on this setting ("maximum recording time"), even though there is a stop recording button. It makes more sense to put it on the recording window, and not in preferences (2 clicks), along with a checkbox for accepting unlimited/unknown length.

There is room for improvements:

- Importing images has its weaknesses. All images must have the same size, which depends on the first one; the others are resized. Cannot add any .jpg/.png/... images after initial import, only animated images.

- When recording, the window goes up beyond the top of screen. Is it a bug? There are ways to hide this kind of panel (see virtualbox, teamviewer...).

Also, I would have preferred a local help file.

Last remark: the webm license (www.webmproject.org/license/) is missing.

Of course, I keep this GOTD. Thanks Bendisoft.


Yesterday, I got an amazing -63 votes for what was a mere mockery about funny software requirements.
- "CPU: 1GB or higher" -> Do CPU have giga bytes? No.
- "Hard Disk: 1GB or higher" -> What kind of software require that much disk space?
In any case, "higher" should be "more". Imprecision in language allows welcomed (mis)interpretations when intentional, incomprehension at best otherwise.

I'd like to thank Bubba for kindly providing pieces of advices I hope they have helped somebody else ---not me, because in mockeries, you have the right (and the obligation) to exaggerate.

papin  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+39)

"Downloading this GOTD opens Facebook. Once, I had to create a fake FB account in order to get a software. Here, no log in required. But I’m afraid my IP and whatever FB got will be there for a long time… and sold… sigh."

As was pointed out in the forum, right click the download button & select save link as [or whatever's appropriate for your browser]. Other possibilities of course are the Tor Browser [& similar] or a VPN or Proxy.

mike  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+22)

Before download, the annoying Facebook page appears. Though just cancelling it works and you get the program, it's nevertheless not a good idea, as it may put off many users. I'd advise GAoD to reconsider it.

Installed on my XP. During activation, it wanted to communicate repeatedly with base and though this is normal, the number of connections seemed high. Then, the first notification that it was successfully activated crashed. The program seemed activated nevertheless, as it subsequently informed me. It also wanted to install Software Informer, but I don't know if that's due to the program or GAoD. But at least it didn't annoyingly ask for name and email.

The program opened OK. As first task, I tried to Import a webm video, hoping to convert it to GIF and then edit it. But though the webm format is claimed as supported, it wouldn't have it. Either the program doesn't do what I expected or I have to spend the rest of the day/month/year trying to figure out how to import a video. In either case it's not much use to me.

Uninstalled, but if I'm informed of something I did wrong, I'd be prepared to give it another try.

tomcat  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+31)

Bitdefender stopped the installation process, citing that setup.exe is infected with Gen:Variant.Symmi.34317

It may be a false positive of course but it will be interesting to see what other AC products flag up.

PhilS  –  9 years ago  –  War dieser Kommentar hilfreich? Ja | Nein (+30)

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