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Chord Pickout 3.0 war am 1. Juni 2016! als Giveaway verfügbar!
Chord Pickout ist eine Anwendung mit der sich die Noten jeder Melodie finden lassen. Falls deine Feinhörigkeit noch nicht so ausgeprägt ist, musst du nicht länger verzweifelt versuchen, den richtigen Akkord zu erwischen: Mit Chord Pickout findest du es im Nu heraus!
Chord Pickout analysiert die Melodie eines Songs und zeigt dir die entsprechenden Noten der Akkorde für die Gitarre. Im Menü findet man sogar ein Diagramm, auf dem die Position der Finger auf der Gitarre angezeigt wird, damit man sieht wie die Noten gespielt werden.
Das Programm unterstützt die folgenden Formate: MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, M4A, WAV, sowie Audio-CDs.
Bitte beachtet: Diese Software bietet eine Jahreslizenz.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; 512 MB RAM; 100 MB hard drive space
5.8 MB
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„Luxand Blink“ kombiniert Sicherheit mit Komfort: Mit diesem Programm könnt ihr ein Kennwort für die Windows-Anmeldung vergeben, ohne es ständig parat haben zu müssen. Denn die Windows-Anmeldung kann dank „Luxand Blink“ auch per Gesichtserkennung erfolgen. Einzige Bedingung: An euren Computer muss eine Webcam angeschlossen sein.
It may be helpful for a very rough outline of chords but after testing on Tangled Up in Blue I found that it would replace Major chord for a Minor chord even though it was a simple repeating pattern, sometimes it would miss chord changes completely. It won't pick out chord variations just G not G6 etc So if you're expecting to get a song mapped out accurately you'll be disappointed, it may help someone who's tone deaf like me to find the right key and a few of the basic chords but you're still going to have to do most of the work yourself.
Chris Locke's (CS Computer Services) link
is leading to a cheaper price of full version:
$11.84 or 11.84 Euro (and transferred to many other currencies).
Please click on "Download your copy" below pic. Thanks!
I approve this innovation (Chord Pickout 3.0) very much!
By the way I tried for the first time to add a good (I suppose so) improvement suggestion in above link "Leave feedback" http://chord-pickout.idea.informer.com/
but I was unable to find out how to add my email in first step. I would be interested in trying Chord Pickout 3.0 and adding it to my vast collection of useful software. My only possibility with nowadays Linux only internet connection to try this Windows software is to get it free as a recompensation for a good idea. I don't dare to use XP for activation which I'm still using offline parallel.
And I'm missing others here like Ashraf, Giovanni, Karl, XPman and alike and hope they are well!
By the way good comments are the reason why I'm still observing GOTD daily or nearly.
FrancisBorne, I really miss too those people you've mentioned. Especially Karl. I wish he's fine. I don't know why he's gone. Ashraf have already his own giveaway software websites which are SharewareOnSale and FAILMID.
Romalliv, Giovanni ALWAYS had good frre alternatives/recommendations..whatever happened to him?Hope he is well too!!
In a last ditch attempt I tried Internet Explorer (11) and it worked.
For a test I tried a few tracks from Blues Traveler Four. It seemed to give an approximation which was sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes missing whole sections (even of a repetitive phrase), giving no chords at all where there were obvious changes, and making up chords trying to match bass riffs, also wrong. I couldn't tell what it was listening to that confused it.
Ok, Blues Traveler could be too much for it. I tried some James Taylor. Again, wrong and missing chords among some correct. From Taylor I picked out an old folk tune, "The Water is Wide". It was also a mix of correct, wrong and missing. A brief suspended chord was labeled a 7th. It didn't seem to recognize fingerpicking at all.
Roy Orbison, "Only the Lonely" -- a little better. "Ooby Dooby" (straight ahead 12 bar blues in E) -- it picked out the basic pattern, was confused by any deviation.
Tried a fiddle tune, just fiddle with guitar backup. It ignored whole phrases of the tune and got the rest, I'd say, about 50%. Tried another, same story. I found a slow one with 3 chords that it did get right.
None of the tunes I tried were complicated, and I looked for ones that had clearly audible chords. I'd say this program could be useful for an beginning/intermediate player who has some knowledge of chord structure and a bit of an ear for changes. A more experienced musician may find some clues that could be helpful.
Echt ein tolles GAOTD, beherrscht sogar e-Triangel in Gis-Dur perfekt. Super!
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Netter Versuch ... bei 3-Akkord-Songs klappts eigentlich relativ gut, aber bei allem was darüber hinaus geht, verlasst ihr euch - wie bisher - besser auf euer Gehör.
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