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AmoyShare Photo Collage Maker 4.1.2 war am 21. November 2014! als Giveaway verfügbar!
AmoyShare Photo Collage Maker ist ein einfach zu benutzendes Fototool für Windows, das euch beim Erstellen von Postern, Kalendern, Grußkarten oder Facebook-Covers hilft. Es bietet euch mehrere fertige Vorlagen zu diversen Themen: Kalender, Collage, Comic, CD-Hülle, Rahmen usw.
Darüber hinaus könnt ihr eure Fotocollagen mit Text, Dekoelementen und coolen Hintergründen personalisieren. In nur wenigen Minuten ist eine tolle Einladung zur Hochzeit, zum Geburtstag oder zu einer Halloween-Party fertig.
Windows 2000, XP, 2003, VISTA, 7, 8
110 MB
Ein nützliches Collage-Tool für Mac. In wenigen Minuten könnt ihr Grußkarten, Poster, Kalende usw. erstellen.
Ein Music/Video-Backup und Transfer Tool für iPhone, iPod und iPad, das euch beim schnellen Importieren von Songs und Videos auf iOS-Geräte von eurem PC und umgekehrt sowie beim Sichern von gekauften Liedern und Filmen ohne iTunes hilft.
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.2 Pro 64 bit system. The registration dialog comes after the first run.
A brandnew(?) or a new brand(?) company without name and address and the strong will to make life better:
Founded in 2014, AmoyShare is a company with creativity that dedicates to digital software, hardware products, and life services. It is constructed with young people with fresh ideas and strong willing to make life better. We believe our constant effort will bring our customers with countless happiness, convinces and surprise.
Instead of making life better, they should concentrate on working software, but no:
Our first product is Photo Collage Maker. It’s our first step and we hope it could bring your life with beauty and welfare
This must be Chinese marketing! Happiness, welfare, beauty and the green dragon flies high...
And a laugh: Founded 2014 and "trusted by millions of users". The marketing department hits again.
Yes: Chinese the software is digitally signed Chengdu PearlMountain Technology Co., Ltd - and we had from this company CollageIt Pro 1.9.4 on June 12, 2014.
The program start is a wizard to select some presets. If you select a "blank" page, the resizable screen of the normal program appears. The program has a lot of templates, many in the "Chinese" style. The use of the program is simple and working. If you like to make photo collage, this is the right software. In my short test it has everything,, you'll need to make a quick collage of your favorite photos.
Does what it claims. But what a pity, it didn't make my life better, healthier, more rich and beauty is still missing at my age..
Uninstalled via reboot (.e.g. rebooted a virtual system to forget all changes. DeepFreeze, ToolwizTimeFreeze, Returnil...)
This program is okay for those who want to create collages for sharing /printing it and remembering all those good times.The performance is fairly good.I don't have a reason to use another collage maker because of hundreds of apps available for this kind editing.
1.http://filehippo.com/download_picasa/ Google's own image organizer comes with an inbuilt collage maker.
2.Photoshine Mini http://filehippo.com/download_photoshine_mini/ A very good software ( free version comes with 230 templates)
3.Collagerator http://www.mediahuman.com/collagerator/
4.http://www.collage.com/home (Online collage creator, need to sign up for downloading collages) and many more like picmonkey,photovisi
Also try : http://www.ribbet.com/create-collage
5.http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Others/Pos-Free-Collage-Maker.shtml (careful while Installing)
6.You can try browser add-ons which pretty much do the job, for example :
And thousands of more.....
Thank you GAOTD!
No bad in my view...
Very easy to use since what you have to do is simply following the tutorial and the software does the job with no hassles.
Collage photos are with good quality and the huge selection of templates provided enables you to use the photo collage for many different purposes.
So give it 68% THUMBS DOWN is simply ridiculous, but I noticed that the USER RATING system is often related to what Karl says in his comment. So I suspect that many people here give any GAOTDs a THUMBS DOWN without even trying them, especially when KARL ends his comment saying "uninstall via reboot" (namely nearly always).
Karl's comments are good but KARL is not the POPE or GOD, as he's just an ordinary blogger as me and many others, so if he says "uninstalled via reboot" it doesn't mean that the program is bad.
Please at least try the software given away here before giving it a THUMBS DOWN without any reason, otherwise the risk is that any serious developer out there will ever release his flagships here in the future.
And if you don't need the kind of program offered, just skip voting it!
Installed and registered without problems, opened up to a simple interface.
Put it through its paces and it seemed to work well.
When looking through the background folder found that all the images were simple JPG files and so decided to add one of my own which the program accepted and displayed as a choice.
Clip art images were in PNG did the same there and the program accepted it, so it looks like you can add your own images to expand the range.
A nice simple program to use that is quite versatile so if you're into this kind of program probably worth getting.
Hi, blimey, I must be in better mood today than Karl (sorry Karl:) Downloaded and quickly tested this Program before any Comments appeared, so at least on this occasion didn't take anyone's word for it, especially it's 'cute', but pleasant and polite (that's Chinese through and through) description and promise on their Site. Come on, where is harm in looking into this Software's content? That's the first thing any creative/artistic soul (and junkie:) will look into first: Goodies! Templates, frames, shapes a.s.o.. Yes, we already have seen most of them here and there under different 'roofs', or as distributed packs online (free and paid) - but this Photo Collage Maker has a good enough selection of them to make a decent first impression. Has ability to frame individual photos, makes cards, posters and multi-pic collages. So far I tested few frames and could tell the images fit in them without problem and bother of manual resizing. That's surely a good sign! What's more, that simple process (here framing) can be saved straight away and file named by user as 'anything', so no danger of accidental overwriting and losing originals. That's good too.
I intend to give it further try when time allows me. Thank You GOTD and Amoyshare for this creative and fun Gift:)
Na da konnten doch die "Gaotd-Kunden" wieder richtig glücklich gemacht werden. Dieses Jahr gibt es bei heise einen Adventskalender, so wie bei Tchib, das wird bestimmt auch lustig!
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Mir gefällt's, das Programm ist leicht zu bedienen, man kann ja eine neutrale Vorlage benutzen und binnen weniger Minuten hat man eine nette Collage gebastelt. Danke dafür :-)
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@ U.F.
Da kann die Suche ja nicht so richtig ernts gewesen sein.
Gibt besseres, wie Picasa oder Fotor.
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Hallo, kann mir irgendwer sagen, ob das Programm in deutscher Sprache ist? Wäre für die Kinder einfacher.
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Tolles Programm - man kann nach Erstellung aus vorhandenen Layouts trotzdem manuelle Änderungen (z.B. andere Hintergrundbilder, Fotos anders anordnen oder drehen, etc.) vornehmen und anschließend als jpg-Datei abspeichern. Ich suche schon wochenlang nach so einem Programm - das ist genau das Richtige!!! DANKE! (Perfekt zur schnellen und doch individuellen Erstellung von Kollagen etc. geeignet!)
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Zunächst dachte ich schön,neues Collagamakerprogramm,doch es ist auch von PearlMountain,dessen Proversion hier unlängst sogar in Deutsch angeboten wurde,also nix Neues!Leider werden hier immer wieder unter anderem Namen als Herrausgeber identische Programme angeboten.Trotzdem kein schlechtes Programm,wobei die Proversion umfangreicher ist,deswegen ist das heute hier ein Rückschritt,Daumen weder hoch noch unten.
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Nun ja, funktioniert. Vorlagen, Rahmen und Design sind doch recht amerikanisch angehaucht. Das Amerika aus den 60ern meine ich...
Nette Spielerei für die Kinder, wenn bloß der Tip FAQ4 funktionieren würde...
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Eine weitere Bloatware, heute von Amoy, mit 110 MB ein gewaltiger Brocken. Die hier zu erzielenden Ergebnisse können jedoch nicht als professionell bezeichnet werden. Eine weitere unverkäufliche Warenprobe und natürlich vielen Dank!
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