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2000 Ultimate Skin Retouch Bundle war am 1. Dezember 2021! als Giveaway verfügbar!
Wie macht man jedes Foto schön?
2000 Ultimate Skin Retouch Bundle ermöglicht es euch, saubere und professionelle Bearbeitungen mit einem einzigen Klick durchzuführen. Verleiht euren Fotos einen großartigen und einzigartigen Look, ohne unzählige Fotobearbeitungstechniken lernen zu müssen. Jetzt könnt ihr Farben korrigieren, Haut weichzeichnen, Details schärfen und vieles mehr - und das alles in nur wenigen Minuten.
Compatible with Lightroom CC
4.90 MB
Lebenslange Lizenz, kommerzielle Nutzung gestattet
This seemed really nifty and I was excited to download and install it, until I realized that it requires Adobe Lightroom. I didn't see anything in the description that would have alerted me to that. I don't own Lightroom.
I noticed, though a nice offer, had examples only of people with Caucasian skin color. There are more colors that a photographer captures images of. Consider adding them in your samples.
Kelltic, wouldn't it be grand if you wanted a certain color on a car but what you could see would be only one color? What is wrong with seeing the effects on different colors of skin?
mike, as a mfg of software designed to show skin change, the 'montage' does not show what happens with another skin color. It should.
It is amazing that the comments are condemning my suggesting that it would be better to show various skin colors in the samples rather than commenting on the product.
es ist eine zip datei...hab sie entpackt, aber was dann? kanns nicht öffnen, werde angewiesen dazu eine entsprechende software/app aus dem microsoft store runterzuladen - warum, wieso und welche? es ist keine sonst übliche "read me"-datei dabei und auch nix weiter zum installieren oder so...
ich kenn mich doch mit so nem zeugs nicht aus...
habe als fotoeditor die bordeigene windows app drauf und den ashampoo fotocommander 15
wäre für etwas unterstützung dankbar - ansonsten müsste ich es wieder in die x-ablage schicken... hilft ja nix!
merci für etwaigen support ;)
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WomanWithoutName, kann ich (leider) bestätigen - kein eigenständiges Programm. Es scheint zwingend Lightroom benötigt zu werden, dort können dann die einzelnen Dateien angewendet werden.
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WomanWithoutName, lies die howtouse.txt:
1. Open Lightroom CC and click the Edit icon in the top right
2. At the bottom of the screen you will see a Presets button, click it
3. At the top of the Presets panel, click the 3-dot icon and select Import Presets…
4. Select the preset files and import it into Lightroom
5. Once the import is complete, you will see all the preset folders in your Presets panel
1. Open Lightroom
2. Go to: Edit • Preferences • Presets
3. Click on the box titled: Show Lightroom Presets Folder
4. Double click on Lightroom
5. Double click on Develop Presets
6. Copy the folder(s) of your presets into the Develop Presets folder
7. Restart Lightroom
If you want to install Photoshop actions and need help, then this article will help you in installing them very easily on your computer.
How to install Photoshop Actions:
Method 1:
There are a few ways to install Photoshop Actions on your computer. They all start out like this:
1. Download file.
2. Make a backup copy somewhere. Anywhere. Just do it.
3. Open the .zip file, usually by double-clicking it. This should produce a folder containing the contents of the .zip file on your desktop. Once you’ve done that, the easy method goes something like this:
1. Double-click the .atn files within the folder you’ve just unzipped/created
2. There is no step #2. Your actions should be loaded into the Photoshop Actions Palette.
Method 2:
If 1st method doesn’t work (because of the way your computer is set up), or you have multiple versions of Photoshop on one machine, then you’ll need to do things the hard way:
1. Open Photoshop, and click on windows tab and check on actions or press alt + F9 and then click on the Actions Palette menu button (located in the top-right of the Actions Palette)
2. Select “Load Actions”
3. Select one of the .atn files from the download
4. Repeat for the other .atn files if necessary
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wie funktioniert das?
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