Täglich bieten wir KOSTENLOSE lizenzierte Software an, die ihr sonst bezahlen müsstet!
1st File Undelete 3.1 war am 9. November 2014! als Giveaway verfügbar!
1st File Undelete ist ein professionelles Datenwiederherstellungstool. Es bietet euch einen fortgeschrittenen Algorithmus, ein durchdachtes Benutzerinterface und ist somit die perfekte Lösung für alle, die ihre Daten zurückhaben wollen. 1st File Undelete bringt alle Datentypen zurück: Dokumente, Archive, Bilder usw. inklusive Vorschau.
1st File Undelete behandelt die wichtigsten Dateien mit besonderer Vorsicht und beinhaltet spezielle Algorithmen, welche eure Archive, Office-Dokumente, Multimedia-Dateien, Digitalbilder und Emaildatenbanken zurückbringt sogar wenn der Datenträger beschädigt oder formatiert wurde bzw. nicht verfügbar ist. Der Algorithmus liest die Festplatte Sektor für Sektor und erkennt den Anfang und das Ende jeder Datei dank charakteristischer Signaturen. Dies garantiert zuverlässige Wiederherstellung unter den schwierigsten Bedingungen.
Nur für euch: Alle Titel von NTFS Recovery Company mit 80% Rabatt mit dem Code “GiveawayoftheDay”
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
16.3 MB
Wiederherstellen verlorener Daten und Reparieren beschädigter Datenträger und Partitionen leicht gemacht - mit 1st Drive Recovery. Der einzigartige PowerSearch Algorithmus bringt euch mehr als 250 Dateitypen zurück, sogar wenn diese nicht mehr im Dateisystem vorhanden sind. Formatierte oder repartitionierte Festplatten, Folgen von Virenangriffen und Dateisystemschäden - dafür wurde dieses Tool gemacht!
Das Reparieren von beschädigten NTFS-Partitionen und das Wiederherstellen verlorener Daten war noch nie so einfach! 1st NTFS Recovery scannt eure Partitionen und sammelt alle möglichen Informationen zu euren Dateien, um diese später vorsichtig wiederherzustellen. Datenwiederherstellung ist sogar dann möglich wenn die Festplatte komplett nicht verfügbar ist.
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.2 Pro 64 bit system.
A (Canadian?) company without name and address.
This agreement shall by laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein. from the license agreement.
Hello NTFS Recovery Company! Anybody at home and workin' ?
The first Data "Recovery News and Events by NTFS Recovery" started on July 22nd 2009 02:00 and ended after 4 entries on Sunday, Juli 26th 2009 02:00.
The press room isn't up-to-date either...
Recovery does not require a Windows Server system to work, though. Running on every 32-bit version of Windows since Windows 95 and up to the latest Vista and 2008 Server...
I know this software already. We had had this under different names, e.g. NTFS Mechanic Standard 2.1.1 - today's software is a "version" 3.1.1 from July 2012...
An American company with address … Really???, this software looks similar like Canadian Disk Recovery Wizard 4.1 from June 13th 2014. (WizardRecovery Inc.) And yes : the disclaimers says :
This agreement shall by laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein. -> the American Address of the Canadian company.
Today’s software NTFS Mechanic Standard 2.1.1 is from June 11th, 2012. It is a subset from HDD Mechanics of the same date (June, 11th 2012), which was given here on July 22nd, 2014 and November 27th, 2012.
So there is no real need of a new test from my side. I repeat my impression from the last GiveAway:
The possibility to create an image of the (corrupted) disk is a good and safe way to work on corrupted files.
The program makes a good and professional impression.
A reliable, a well structured and well tested program. What do you demand else? I will keep this, even if I did not need any of these recovery programs up to now. Backup is my favorite solution.
And you can get a free copy, if you help translating this software. There is the Englisg language only. Looking for years for an translator and did not find any? Strange...
Uninstalled via reboot.
Have a nice sunday.
Installed and registered without problems, opened up to a simple to use interface.
For a quick test an eight gig FAT formatted Flash thumb drive was used; two tests were carried out, one under the heading of common folders and the second scan of the whole drive.
The first chosen was My Pictures and it found a surprising number of files and was able to recover them.
The second found a considerable number of files including a Delphi Pascal program source file and gave a very good preview of it, obviously recognising its type.
It did find a few supposed text files which obviously weren't when previewed.
The scans were done quite rapidly and so was surprised at how successful it was at recovery.
Probably the best recovery tool at this price range that I have seen, a keeper mainly because it's speed.
#2 - Try 7-Data Recovery. I accidentally wiped out an entire external drive, and thought I had lost everything I had saved over several years, photos, documents, executables.....everything I had put on the external because I didn't want to lose them. Well, I tried everything I could think of and nothing worked. As a last resort, I got a copy of 7-Data Recovery, installed it on a different drive, and ran it. I was able to recovery everything.....every single photo, document, etc.
So I would say try this. What have you got to lose? Just remember to install it on a different drive.
thanks for your professional and incisive reviews Karl!many companies simply publish the same software under different names or purchase older versions of software from other companies and simply re-brand it using their own company logo.
Tran ... one thing to be careful of with programs like this, is not to install it on the hard drive you are trying to recover files on. If you do, it may mess up the file pointers and other info that the program would need to find your file. Also it is best to use this as soon as possible after you lose a file. The longer you wait, the more likely the program will not be able to find lost files.
Danke paulchen
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Sogar mit 100% off dürft ihr es gerne behalten. Ich warte seit Januar auf eine Abgabe, die ich hier runter laden würde - bis heute vergeblich. Schöne Woche!
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Etwas von nutzen auf http://www.windowsdeal.com/category/giveaways/ Dort gibt es ZD Screen Recorder
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Wieder einmal ein Programm bei welchem der Hersteller wegen Betrugs sofort hinter Gitter gehört. Zeigt nicht mal die Laufwerke richtig an und findet entgegen der Beschreibung ("if the disk that contains them is badly damaged, formatted or completely inaccessible") gar nichts...
Wer sich das kauft kann sein Geld genausogut gleich in den Abfluss schmeissen.
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