Täglich bieten wir KOSTENLOSE lizenzierte Software an, die ihr sonst bezahlen müsstet!
1AVShare 1.7.9 war am 21. August 2016! als Giveaway verfügbar!
1AVShare ist eine Windows-Anwendung, welche euch das Teilen von Daten mit anderen Nutzern sowie den Zugriff auf Daten von einem beliebigen Ort aus ermöglicht. Nun könnt ihr eure Fotos, Videos, Musik und Dokumente bequem und sicher über das Internet teilen. Eingeloggte Benutzer können Dateien anschauen, hoch- bzw. herunterladen und durchsuchen. Alles, was ihr für den Zugriff auf einen 1AVShare-Server benötigt, ist ein Internet Browser, keine zusätzliche Software Installation erforderlich!
Sobald ihr 1AVShare installiert habt, bekommt ihr einen eigenen Webserver, der auf eurem PC untergebracht und 128-Bit gesichert ist. So könnt ihr einfach Benutzerkonten einrichten für alle, die Zugang zu euren Dateien bekommen dürfen. Fertig!
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Media Center/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (32 & 64 bit); Intel 1.3GHz; 120MB HD; 256MB RAM; Minimum screen resolution of 800x600
9.13 MB
EZBurner hilft euch beim Brennen von Audio- und Videodateien auf CDs, DVDs und Blu-rays. Kopiert Audio- und Daten-CDs, DVDs und Blu-Rays, brennt MP3- Dateien, speichert ISO-Images und brennt diese auf diverse Datenträger.
1AVCenter ist eine leistungsstarke Windows-Anwendung, ein wahres Multitasking-Wunder: Aufnahmen von Video, Audio, Bildschirmaktivitäten, Webcam, Streaming Video sowie PC-Überwachung und sicheres Teilen von Daten gehören zu den Aufgaben, die 1AVCenter für euch erledigen kann. Das Programm erschafft eine sichere 128-bit Umgebung zum sicheren Austausch von Daten. Tucows hat 1AVCenter mit fünf von fünf Sternen bewertet!
ScreenCamera ist eine virtuelle Kamera für euren Desktop, die gleichzeitig als Multiplizierungstool für eure Webcam fungieren kann. Nun könnt ihr ein beliebiges Fragment eures Desktops, den gesamten Desktop, ein Anwendungsfenster oder die Bewegungen der Maus über den Bildschirm per Video übertragen. Eure Webcam kann mit Hilfe von ScreenCamera mit mehreren Anwendungen gleichzeitig benutzt werden. Das Programm ist kompatibel mit Skype, UStream, Justin.tv, AIM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, PalTalk, CamFrog, Stickam usw.
Just run the setup and it installs and registered itself without any problems.
It may have had no problems but it installs itself on my C drive, no options available, a most definite No-No as my C drive is for my system and not for my programs.
On viewing the help video instead of using my default browser it assumes I use Internet Explorer.
Really hate it when programs are so ill mannered.
On opening an easy on the eye interface is presented, even so I haven't a clue how to use it.
The help video certainly wasn't much use as even on a decent size monitor I was unable to read the text, to make matters worse there was no sound.
Up to now haven't been able to find information regarding maximum amount of storage and whether or not the licence has an expiry date.
Going to give it a go to see if it will be any use to me in the long term, haven't a clue where to start.
Did a check to see if this program had been offered before and if so have a read of the comments.
It was offered as shown at the following link:-
It is absolutely full of useful information, including three comments by Karl, it is hard to believe what a wonderful site this was for information.
Let's encourage people to make comments, and let's not mark them down when their comments are less than perfect, maybe then we'll go back to the quality site we once were lucky enough to have.
Does another user get to see ALL my files or just the ones I give access to?
GOTD always causes this problem...and states below: "disable the anti-virus suite and restart the computer....enable after download" do you know what a hassle that is?! so much time! and most often, that doesn't even work either. argh.
@Sigrid.DE - The server is your computer (more accurately, on your computer); so, capacity/file-size, distance/hops are non-issues.
@Mememe - The files always reside on your computer; therefore, you never lose "free" access wiht/without the software. Unless your computer is stolen!
@Iliyan - Of course, Antivirus/Anti-malware/Anti-exploit software will interfere with installation of software that is meant to access or manipulate other files, processes and areas of your computer, etc. that also are targets of malicious software. All PCWinSoft installers, including 1AVShare's, are Digitally Signed, so you can "safely" disable your security software temporarily during installation. They are very unlikely to install malware, IMO. I've used most of their products for more than five years and have had no bad experiences with any of them... and I am VERY CAREFUL AND ATTENTIVE. [Note: I run my own "real" servers and do not use 1AVShare for that purpose.]
@Injeun - 1AVShare builds on features and functionalities already present in Windows. I suggest that you correct (figure out) whatever is preventing your creating a native Home Network before using ANY software that depends on your system working properly. From Windows XP, network setup has been *relatively* painless.
@seagrape - Only those files you have specifically included in your 1AVShare "server".
@Calli @Seb - So, why not 256-bit or even 2048-bit encryption? For the same reason that you don't keep your wallet/purse in a bank vault, guarded by armed security: The security is proportional to the risk. Any competent bad guy/gal targeting you specifically, doesn't care about 128/256-bit encryption. If they believe the data is valueable enough, they will keep at it. You and I probably are NOT being targeted SPECIFICALLY by anyone. When a bad guy/gal sees that the data they RANDOMLY searched for is encrypoted (even with 128-bit encryption) , they will simply move on and look for an unencrypted victim.
@glnz - TeamViewer is intended for much different purposes. However, it does have something similar: Unattended Access. Your files stay on your computer and therefore, of course, there is no file-size limit.
@Nick H , @Seb , @dudi1234 - Like many other kinds of 'software' (Python, some Virtual machines, Ámazon Cloud, OneDrive, etc.) this has to be installed to the "root" of the drive, i.e., C:\ .
Warum kann ich keine *.mkv Video Dateien hochladen. Das ist doch voll dumm. Das Format ist inzwischen Standard.
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